Best Experimental Film at VI K-lidoscopi Short Film Festival (Cullera-València)
22 October, 2017
“Barcelona in Black” has been awarded as the best experimental short film at the VI K-LIDOSCOPI Short Film Festival. Many thanks to the cultural association K-Lidoscopi in Cullera (Valencia) for this recognition. It has been a magnificent event with impressive films and surrounded by wonderful people. Thanks to Rosa, Manuel, Cecilia, Felipe, and many others with whom I had the opportunity to talk and share some time discussing cinema and life in general. On a day like today, it was incredible to hear what Barcelona meant to each of them, as, to my surprise, Barcelona had played a part in their lives at some point. It was moving to hear from each one of them how “Barcelona in Black” had brought back memories of their own Barcelona. In the words of one of them, the Barcelona of freedom. Thank you all for this wonderful evening.